Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"Remember, nothing that's good works by itself, just to please you;
you've got to make the damn thing work." -- Thomas A. Edison

"All you need is your eagerness to seek the true understanding of the fundamental knowledge
and the underlying theory; and boundless imagination"-- Ali Erden Sizgek

1-                   Glenna L. Drisko, Maryline Chee Kimling, Nicholas Scales, Andreas Ide, Erden Sizgek, Rachel A. Caruso, and Vittorio Luca, One-Pot Preparation and Uranyl Adsorption Properties of Hierarchically Porous Zirconium Titanium Oxide Beads using Phase Separation Processes to Vary Macropore Morphology, Langmuir 2010, 26(22), 17581–17588.

2-                   Glenna Drisko, Vittorio Luca, Erden Sizgek, Nicholas Scale and Rachel A. Caruso, Part 3: Sol-gel and template synthesis of hierarchical titanium zirconium oxides for the sorption of vanadium, in preparation.

3-                   G. Devlet Sizgek, Christopher S. Griffith, Erden Sizgek, and Vittorio Luca, Mesoporous Zirconium Titanium Oxides. Part 3: Synthesis and Adsorption Properties of Unfunctionalized and Phosphonate-Functionalized Hierarchical Polyacrylonitrile-F-127-Templated Beads, Langmuir 2009, 25(19), 11874–11882.

4-                   Vittorio Luca, Bin Yang, Ilkay Yaman, Christopher S. Griffith, Nicholas Scales and Erden Sizgek, Adsorption of Lanthanides by AyMoxW1-xO3 Hexagonal Tungsten Bronzes and Prospects for their Potential Use as Recyclable Inert Matrix Fuels, ATALANTE 2008 Montpellier (France)         May 19-22, 2008.

5-                   Christopher S. Griffith, Erden Sizgek, Devlet Sizgek and Vittorio Luca “Potential Process for the Decontamination of Pyroelectrometallurgical LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt Electrolyte” ATALANTE 2008 Montpellier (France)             May 19-22, 2008.

6-                   Christopher S. Griffith, Devlet Sizgek, Erden Sizgek, Pat Yee, Nicholas Scales and Vittorio Luca” Mesoporous Zirconium Titanium Oxides. Part 1. Porosity Modulation and Adsorption Properties of Xerogels” Langmuir, 2008, 24, (21) 12312-12322.

7-                   Devlet Sizgek, Erden Sizgek, Christopher S. Griffith and Vittorio Luca, “Mesoporous Zirconium Titanium Oxides. Part 2. Synthesis, Porosity and Adsorption Properties of Beads”  Langmuir, 2008, 24 (21) 12323-12330.

8-                   Devlet Sizgek, Christopher Griffith, Erden Sizgek and Vittorio Luca “Synthesis and Adsorption Properties of Polyacrylonitrile Bead-Templated Zirconium Titanes with hierarchical porosity” 2008 Chem. Com. (submitted).

9-                   E. Sizgek and G.D. Sizgek, Immobilisation of Radioactive Waste Solutions with Ceramic Precursor Processing” Materials and Austceram 2007, Sydney, Australia, 4-6 July 2007.

10-               G.J. Oberman, T.W. Farre, I.W. Turner and E. Sizgek, Drying of a liquid suspended in a binary atmosphere, Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 December 2006.

11-               G.J. Parsons, G.D. Sizgek, E. Sizgek, D. Kemp, Process development for Processing of (a) Low Level Sludges and (b) Intermediate Level Liquid Waste at ANSTO, IAEA Coordinated Research Project Meeting for “New Developments and Improvements in Processing of Problematic Radioactive Waste Streams”, Mumbai, India, November 2006.

12-               G.D. Sizgek and E. Sizgek, “Development of an Immobilisation Technology for Radioactive Waste Solutions from Mo-99 Production” Waste Management 2006, 25 February 2006 Tucson, Arizona USA.

13-               G. J. Oberman, T. W. Farrell, E. Sizgek, Drying of a liquid droplet suspended in its own vapour, ANZIAM Journal, 46E, C1155-C1169, 2006.

14-               E. Sizgek, “From Concept to Application, From Laboratory to Plant” Conference for ARC Centre for Functional Nanomaterials, 30th November 2005, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
15-               G J Parsons, G D Sizgek, E Sizgek, K Fernando, K Lucas, Process Development for Handling, Treatment, Packaging and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes at ANSTO, IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project Meeting for “New Developments and Improvements in Processing of ‘Problematic’ Radioactive Waste Streams”, May 2005, Kiev (Russia).

16-               Christophe Barbé, Sandrine Calleja, Linggen Kong, Elizabeth Drabarek, Alexandra Bush, Erden Sizgek, and Kim Finnie (2004) Sol-Gel Silica Particles for Controlled Release Applications, MRS Proceedings Volume 847.

17-               Y.J. Hong, M.P. Brungs, R.P. Chaplin & E. Sizgek (2004) Crystallisation of titania prepared via peroxo and normal sol-gel route, , Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology, 31, 79-82.

18-               G. J. Oberman, T. W. Farrell, E. Sizgek, Drying of a liquid droplet suspended in its own vapour, The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, September 27, 2004, Melbourne.

19-               K. Wongcharee, M. Brungs, R. Chaplin, Y.J. Hong, E. Sizgek, (2004) Influence of Surfactant and Humidity on Sol-Gel Macroporous Organosilicate Coatings, Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology, 29, Issue2, 115-124.

20-               V. Vegh and I Turner, E. Sizgek, G. D. Sizgek, (2004) Numerical Validation of Microwave Heated Fluidised Bed Calcination of Waste Containing Ceramic Powders, ANZIAM J., 45 (E), C100-C115.

21-               J.R.Bartlett, E.Sizgek, K.S.Finnie, S.Lyonnard and Th.Zemb "Structural evolution and interaction. potentials in multicomponent nanoparticles and spray-dried powders", Nanoparticles and Nanoporous Materials for Environment and Energy Applications (Sydney, January 2004)

22-               Y.J. Hong, M.P. Brungs, R.P. Chaplin & E. Sizgek,Crystallisation of titania prepared via peroxo and normal sol-gel route, 12th International Workshop on Sol-Gel Science and Technology,  Sol-Gel 2003, August 24-29 Sydney.

23-               M. G. Wheatley, A. M. McDonagh, M. P. Brungs, R. P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek (2003) A Study of Reverse Bias in a Dye Sensitised Photoelectrochemical Device. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 76, 2, 175-181.

24-               S. Lyonnard, J.R. Bartlett, E. Sizgek, K.S. Finnie, Th. Zemb and J.L. Woolfrey (2002) The role of interparticle potential in controlling the morphology of spray-dried powders from aqueous nanoparticle sols, Langmuir, 18, 10386-10397.

25-               E. Sizgek, G. D. Sizgek, V. Vegh and I Turner, Microwave Heated Fluidised Bed Calcination of Waste Containing Ceramic Powders, 3rd World Conference on Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications, Sydney, September 23-26, 2002.

26-               K. Wongcharee, M. Brungs, R. Chaplin, R. Pillar, Y.J. Hong & E. Sizgek, Coatings by Incorporation of Polyethylene Glycol in Acid Catalysed Sols, Ausceram 2002, Perth.

27-               Y.J. Hong, M.P. Brungs, R.P. Chaplin & E. Sizgek, The Effect of Film Morphology on Crack Resistance in Peroxo-Titania/PEG System, Ausceram 2002, Perth.

28-               K. Wongcharee, M. Brungs,R.Chaplin, Y.J. Hong, R. Pillar, and E. Sizgek (2002) Sol-Gel Processing by Aging and Pore Creator Addition for Porous  Silica Antireflective Coatings. Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology, 25, 3, 215-221.

29-               E. Sizgek and G.D. Sizgek (2002) Drying Characteristic of Porous Ceramic Microspheres in a Microwave Heated Fluidised Bed, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 25, 3, 287-292.

30-               E. Sizgek and D. Sizgek, Microwave Heated Fluidised Bed Calcination of Waste Containing Ceramic Powders, 8th International Conference on Microwave High Frequency Heating, Bayreuth, Germany, September 2001.

31-               J.R. Bartlett*, S. Lyonnard, E. Sizgek, K.S. Finnie, Th. Zemb and J.L. Woolfrey, The role of interparticle potential in controlling the morphology of spray-dried powders from aqueous nanoparticle sols, Sol-Gel 2001, XI International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and  Nanocomposites from Gels, 16-21 September 2001 Abano Terme, Padova, Italy.

32-               J.R. Bartlett, S. Lyonard, E. Sizgek, K.S. Finnie and Th. Zemb, The Role of Interparticle Potential in Controlling the Morphology of Spray-Dried Powders from Nanoparticle Sols (2001) 75th, American Chemical Society Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, June 10-13, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

33-               Y.J. Hong, M.P. Brungs, R.P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek (2001) Preparation and characterisation of sol-gel derived TiO2 films, Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, no. 1 pp 17-26.

34-               M.G. Wheatley, M.P. Brungs, R.P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek (2001) Study of reactive magnetron sputtered titanium dioxide films for use in the Gratzel photoelectrochemical cell, Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, no. 1 pp 27-34.

35-               S. Lyonnard , O. Spalla and Th. Zemb, J.R Bartlett, E. Sizgek, K.S Finnie and J.L. Woolfrey, (2000) Compaction of inorganic nanoparticles during spray drying: Powder porosity and granularity, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIV, 2000, MRS Fall meeting, August 28 -31, Sydney.

36-               M. G. Wheatley, M. P. Brungs, R. P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek, (2000) Study of reactive magnetron sputtered titanium dioxide films for use in the Gratzel photoelectrochemical cell, Austceram 2000, June 25-28, Sydney, Australia.

37-               K. Wongcharee, , M. P. Brungs, R. P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek, (2000) Sol-gel processing for porous silica antireflective coatings, Austceram 2000, June 25-28, Sydney, Australia.

38-               Y. J. Hong, M. P. Brungs, R. P. Chaplin and E. Sizgek, (2000) Preparation and characterization of sol-gel derived TiO2 thick films, Austceram 2000, June 25-28, Sydney, Australia.

39-               G. D. Sizgek and E. Sizgek (1999) Isothermal drying of porous ceramic microspheres in a microwave fluidised bed, Proceedings of International Microwave Power Institute 34th Annual Microwave Symposium, July, 18-21, Arlington, 46-49.

40-               S. Lyonnard , O. Spalla and Th. Zemb, J.R Bartlett, E. Sizgek, K.S Finnie and J.L. Woolfrey, (1999) Porosity and Structure of Nanoparticle Aggregates in Spray-Dried Microspheres, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII, 1999 MRS Fall meeting, November 29 - December 2, Boston.

41-               Th. Zemb, S. Lyonnard , O. Spalla, L. Belloni, J.R Bartlett, E. Sizgek, K.S Finnie and J.L. Woolfrey, (1999) Salt effects on the pre-aggregation of nanoparticles, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII, 1999 MRS Fall meeting, November 29 - December 2, Boston.

42-               E. Sizgek, J. R. Bartlett, M. P. Brungs, (1998) Production of titanate microspheres by sol-gel and spray-drying, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 1-3, 1011-1016.

43-               G. D. Sizgek and E. Sizgek, (1997) Microwave drying characteristics of impregnated synroc ceramic microspheres, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 32, 3, 171-179.

44-               Sizgek G.D., Sizgek E. and Hooper J.D., “ Pressure Probe Measurements of Turbulent Flow in a Spray Drier with a Rotary Atomiser” Proc. Inter. Conf. on CFD in Mineral and Metal Processing, CSIRO, Melbourne, July 1997, pp 443-451.

45-               E. Sizgek, J. R. Bartlett, E. R. Vance and M. P. Brungs, (1996) Production of titanate microspheres by sol-gel and spray drying, Pacrim-2, 15-17 July Cairns, Australia.

46-               E. Sizgek, J. R. Bartlett and J. L. Woolfrey, E. R. Vance, (1994) Production of Synroc Ceramics from titanate gel microspheres, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.333, 305-312.

47-               J.R. Bartlett, E. Sizgek, J. L. Woofrey, E.R. Vance and P. Gerontopoulos (1993) Production of Synroc ceramics from porous sol-gel microspheres, Ceramica Acta, 3/93, 29-43.

48-               E. Sizgek, J. R. Bartlett and J. L. Woolfrey, (1992) Production of porous titanate microspheres by spray drying of sols, Austceram 92, Melbourne, Proceedings of the International Ceramic Conference, Ed. M. J. Bannister, 1185-1191.

49-               Y. Yagci, A. C. Aydogan, A. E. Sizgek, (1984) Influence of the Cationic Salt on Free-Radical Polymerization Initiated by Phenylazotriphenylmethane, Journal of Polymer Science Part C-Polymer Letters, Vol 22, 2, pp 103-106.

50-               E. Sizgek (2002) Workshop Notes, Microwave-heated fluidised bed, 3rd World Conference on Microwave & Radio Frequency Applications, Sydney.

1-                  E. Sizgek and D. Sizgek (2004) WO2004/008809A1, Method and Apparatus for Controlling Microwave Energy Transmitted to a Fluidised Bed.
1                    E. Sizgek and D. Sizgek, J. Bartlett (2001) Process and apparatus for the immobilisation of liquid nuclear waste.
2                    E. Sizgek and J. Bartlett (2002) Preparation of concentrated inorganic sols and production of ceramic microspheres.
3                    E. Sizgek and D. Sizgek (2003) Method of producing stable colloids, for loading liquid component in those, and for calcinating to produce component bearing powders.
4                    E. Sizgek and D. Sizgek (2003) Method of producing synroc powders by sol-gel spray calcination.

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